Give Back Program
Give Back Program
“We Make A Living By What We Get,
We Make A Life By What We Give "
“We Make A Living By What We Get,
We Make A Life By What We Give "
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill

Here we share these amazing companies that we have had the privilege to donate our work and time, and we encourage you pay it forward as well; use their services, spread the word, volunteer, donate, do what you can when you can.

Project We Hope
Project We Hope
Project WeHOPE is a East Palo Alto based non profit who's mission is to help people become healthy, employed and housed using innovative solutions.

Art Beast
Art Beast
Art Beast is a Non profit Children's Art Studio that was founded to support Waking the Village, offering housing and support so that Sacramento’s homeless, parenting youth and their children can get busy living rather than surviving.

Rahima Foundation
Rahima Foundation
Rahima Foundation is a Bay Area local Non Profit who's mission is to help provide the most basic needs to our fellow human beings who are unable to make ends meet.

Silicon Valley Academy
Silicon Valley Academy
Silicon Valley Academy is a Local Non Profit School who's mission is to respect, foster and value every child’s cognitive development; cultural diversity; social, physical and emotional growth by providing a safe and nurturing learning environment.

Marthas Kitchen
Marthas Kitchen
Today, this “little soup kitchen” is not so little anymore. It still gives out nutritious hot meals onsite with its mission to “feed the hungry with dignity, no questions asked, no judgment made.” At the end of 2018, it had served over 4,500,000 meals since its founding, and has now grown to an annual production approximately half million meals. How does Martha’s Kitchen accomplish so much with so small a staff? The answer is COLLABORATION. By collaborating with other meal sites, we are able to take advantage of economies of scale making it possible to prepare meals more economically. It averages us $2.50 to prepare each meal. We send out over 400,000 hot and cold meals annually to over 60 other non-profit organizations in Santa Clara county as far south as Morgan Hill and Gilroy, as well as Merced, Santa Cruz and Monterey counties. The “little soup kitchen that could” has proven it certainly could run an efficient kitchen with a lean staff of 9 employees.
Give Back Program
Give Back Program
We look forward to helping even more, we are excited for what's to come. We believe that together, we can make a difference in peoples' lives. We strongly believe in reciprocity; one act of kindness generates another.
If you happen to be reading this and know of a non-profit business or establishment that could benefit from pro bono work please don't hesitate to contact us.
This also applies to our Heroes; our Police Dept, our Fire Dept, our Essential workers.
Anyone willing to help can count on us, that we are here for them TOO.